Welcome to the Essex Cricket Society website - the repository for all Society-related information including latest membership details, notice of coming events and news which may be of interest to members.
New to us? Click here to find out a little about who we are and what we do......

Have you ever considered becoming a 'Friend' of the Museum?
The Museum and Library is situated adjacent to the club shop, and is run entirely by volunteers.
Our President Tony Debenham is a trustee, and he would like to tell you a little about the organisation
and how you can help support it. Click here for more.
Due to a clash with the Essex CCC AGM, we are cancelling our meeting on the 17th December.
Our AGM will now be at 6:45pm on the 14th January 2025 before our evening with Jason Gallian.
Author and ECS member Stephen Norris has kindly allowed us to reproduce three articles from a series published in The City Times on sport in the Chelmsford area.
They are taken from his book 'From a Borough to a City': A History of Chelmsford 1888-2014. To read on, click here.
Tales from the Boundary
» Do you have any cricket-related stories to tell?
» Any fond memories of great occasions?
» Perhaps anecdotes of meetings with people or players?
If you have any stories you would like to share, click here for more.
We have been sent some photographs of Essex teams from the 1960s and 70s (Scroll over First Team pictures to enlarge):

Back (L to R): Lee Irvine, Keith Boyce, John Lever, Brian Ward, Stuart Turner, David Acfield.
Front (L to R): Brian Edmeades, Keith Fletcher, Brian Taylor (Captain), Gordon Barker, Robin Hobbs.

Back (L to R): C. Brown (Secretary), Ray East, Keith Boyce, Brian Ward, Eddie Presland, Stuart Turner,
John Lever, Graham Saville, David Acfield, Jack Bartlam (Scorer).
Front (L to R): Robin Hobbs, Keith Fletcher, Brian Taylor (Captain), Gordon Barker, Brian Edmeades.
Team list shown under enlarged pictures.
Do you have any Essex-related pictures that you are willing to share with us? If there is enough interest, we would like to add them as a new category to the Society Archive - an Essex pictorial history. It doesn't even have to be 'official' or formal type images. Send your photographs to info@essexcricketsociety.uk with any related background information. Thanks again!
The Society Archive
The Archive contains some of our archive material; currently:
The archive will be expanded - click here for more information.
● 1st QUIZ questions are available here,
the answers are available here.
● 2nd QUIZ questions are available here,
the answers are available here.
Thanks to the Keyworth Cricket Club.
Any membership enquiries, newsletter feedback/items of interest for the next edition or just want to get in touch? - click here.